Frequently Asked Questions
What style of training do you use?
At Animal Haus Behaviour and Training we use Positive Reinforcement Training, also called Reward Based Training. This training style is based on the sound scientific principles of animal learning and operant conditioning. We focus on reinforcing your dog for desired behaviour. We never use harsh punishment, fear or intimidation to elicit behaviour from your dog because it is completely unnecessary.
How do I register for classes and consults?
We have an online booking system which can be accessed via the menu.
What methods of payment do you accept?
We accept internet transfer or credit / debit card (via Square).
More information is available under How to Pay.
Can I observe a group class before deciding to enrol my dog in your classes?
Absolutely! We want you to feel confident with your decision to train with Animal Haus Behaviour and Training. You are welcome to come along and observe any of our classes. Please do not bring your dog along though. Sometimes the presence of another dog can be unsettling to the dogs already in class.
Can I bring my family to class also?
We encourage you to bring along the entire family, our courses are designed to incorporate children also. For safety reasons, if bringing along children under 7 years old please bring another adult (over 18 years old) along to supervise the child.
I have two dogs, can they both attend classes at the same time?
Yes, provided there are two adult (18 years and over) handlers. If the dogs are very closely bonded we often separate them in class so that they can focus on their handler rather than each other.
How many dogs are in each class?
We have a maximum of 6 dogs per class (5 for Puppy Classes). This allows us to teach effectively and allow all participants some one on one time during the class. Keeping class sizes small creates a less stressful environment for the dogs also.
If I miss a class can I make it up?
As a rule, we do not offer make-up classes. However, we understand that sometimes missed classes cannot be avoided. If the same week of class is available in another course you are welcome to attend without your dog. Sometimes a new dog in class can be disruptive to the dogs already in the class.
Do you offer Private Training?
Yes we do. Some dogs will not cope in a group class during the early stages of training for these dogs we offer private in-home lessons. Sometimes people are unable to attend classes due to work or social commitments and it suits them to have private lessons. Often people choose to have private lessons to accelerate learning.
What is a ‘Behaviour Consultation’?
Behavioural Consultations are designed to address problem behaviours rather than basic obedience. Problems behaviours include barking, separation anxiety, aggression, fearfulness and anxiety to name a few.
Why do you use food in your training, isn’t that bribing the dog?
Dogs are just like people, they work to get what they want. You wouldn’t work without pay! Since you feed your dog anyway it stands to reason that you could use the food as a reward for desired behaviour, instead of giving it away for free. When you control access to resources you become your dogs access to all of the good things in life. Training with food ensures your dog will learn faster since he’ll be motivated to work.
If I train my dog with food then will he work without food?
We use food in training to elicit new behaviours and reward new behaviours performed on cue. Once the behaviour is learned we show you how to reward the dog in other ways such as praise, petting, lifestyle rewards. You will still reward behaviours occasionally with a food treat as this will keep your dog motivated to keep performing since he never knows when a treat is coming.
What if my dog is not motivated by food?
All dogs are motivated by food, if they weren’t they’d be dead! They may not like what you’re offering or they may be too full to eat but that is not the same as not being motivated by food at all. Occasionally some dogs are too stressed to eat in certain situations this serves as an indication of the training needed.
Will my dog get fat from treats?
No, we use the food that your dog would get on a daily basis anyway. We just change the way this food is delivered so it should not make a difference to your dog’s weight.
When I bring my dog to class what should I bring with me?
Please see our Terms and Conditions for more information on what you bring to class with you.