Terms & Conditions and Important Information.
This information is provided to you to in an effort to help you get the most out your Animal Haus Behaviour and Training service. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions relating to the information in this document
As many family members who are willing to attend
A supply of food treats
Your dog’s favourite toy
Poo Bags
*For Dog Walking / Adventures and Enrichment Visit services please ensure your dogs leash, harness/collar and other necessary equipment is left in an accessible spot as agreed upon after booking *
Flat Collars (Buckle or Snap Lock variety)
Head Collars (Black Dog Head Collar, Gentle Leader, Canny Collar)
No Pull Harness (Front attach harnesses such as balance, freedom or perfect fit harnes – not a car harness)
Please DO NOT have your dog on a choke chain (also called check chains), electric shock collar, citronella collar or prong collar.
Please do not feed your dog a full meal prior to a service booking. We do not want your dog to be excessively hungry but neither do we want them to be full of food. Please use common sense when feeding dogs on service days.
Please have AMPLE treats cut up into very small portions. Depending on the service you have booked you will need 200 - 300 small treats.
*For Dog Walking / Adventure and Enrichment Visits we will provide treats - please ensure you advise us of any dietary requirements your dog may have beforehand*
Human food treats work best, below are some suggestions:
Hot Dogs
Luncheon Meat
Leftover Roast Meat
Bacon Pieces
We often recommend creating a ‘doggy trail mix’ by mixing together various different foods. This keeps your dog interested and creates variety.
If you have booked a service where you are present for the session please wear comfortable clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty. You may be required to get on the ground with your dog. Enclosed, non-slip footwear is necessary for safety reasons if we are working outdoors.
Please be considerate to other students, dogs and/or your Consultant/Instructor during services. Switch off mobile telephones, televisions and other electronic distractions prior to services. Please do not drink or smoke during a service. Please do not carry on your own conversation while the instructor/consultant is talking, this is distracting to everyone present.
Alcohol is absolutely NOT permitted on our class grounds.
We welcome children in our consults/classes and encourage them to participate. We are committed to child safety around dogs and will teach your children how to safely interact with dogs. However; if your child is likely to get bored during our sessions (most Intake consults go for 90 minutes for instance) then it is essential you have activities ready for them to keep them occupied while we talk and demonstrate exercises.
It is IMPOSSIBLE to supervise both a dog and a child less than 7 years of age in a dog training class. If bringing along children less than 7 years of age to a group class please ensure there is another adult (over 18 years old) to supervise the child/ren.
Children under 18 years of age are not permitted to handle dogs in classes. If a child accidentally lets a dog loose in class the consequences can be disastrous. Often adults have difficulty handling a dog in class; it is simply unfair to the child or the dog to put them under undue stress.
Please ensure your child does not approach other dogs in class unless requested to do so by the instructor. Some dogs are not used to being around children and can react adversely, causing stress to the child and the dog.
Please ensure your child/ren do not wander around unattended during class. Bites happen far more quickly than adults can react. Please keep your children seated unless instructed to do otherwise.
Often it can be an advantage to exercise your dog prior to your consult/classes. You should not exhaust your dog but you may want to take him/her for a short walk or play a brief game of fetch. This will assist to calm your dog down a little prior to your consult/class.
If you have booked dog walking/adventure or enrichment visits this is not necessary.
The safety of your dog is paramount to us.​ If your dog is sick or injured please contact us immediately to reschedule your service/discuss your options.
Please ensure your dog is treated for worms (especially heartworm), fleas, ticks and is up to date on their vaccinations / has had a titre test for immunity. You will be required to show your dog's vaccination or titre test certificate at your first lesson for group classes or services.
Clients must not allow their dog to meet, greet, approach or play with another dog on the training grounds unless a staff member has instructed otherwise. This is regardless of whether the dogs are off-leash or on-leash. On-leash greetings can be particularly risky, and can easily lead to a dog fight. Be aware of your leash length and take steps to ensure your dogs cannot accidentally approach another.
We have dogs participating in our services that require space from other dogs, so it’s important you are mindful of this and don’t allow your dog to stare at, greet, run up to or play with other dogs. Some dogs are triggered simply by the visual of other dogs, so please support other clients and their dogs at the grounds and do what you can to be considerate of their needs. Our no greetings policy ensures all clients, dogs and staff are safe and that dogs are able to settle and concentrate, ready for class. It also reduces the chances of future reactivity issues with your dog, as those who always get to meet and greet, may react poorly and aggressively in the future in frustration, as they have developed an expectation.
Not all dogs like to be approached, no matter how friendly other dogs appear and we strongly support and advocate for those who need space. We are happy to show you how to move around tight and busy areas with your dog, to minimise issues on the grounds and in public areas.
Please ensure you are at home and ready for your consult at the time of your booking. If you are not home at the time your booking is supposed to begin we cannot stay longer to make up for this time. We will wait for 15 minutes before leaving – if this happens your full consult fee will be forfeited and you will need to rebook and re-pay the entire fee. For this reason we advise that if you have something on the day of your consult to book a time that allows you to get home, get changed if necessary and have a coffee or tea – this way you are fully prepared when we arrive.
Please ensure you arrive to each class at least 10 minutes early and are ready to start on time. Often late arrivals can disrupt dogs already in class once they have a settled; it then takes another 5 minutes of a one hour lesson to settle them down again. It can also cause great stress to your dog to have the dogs already in class react to his/her arrival. For this reason we DO NOT allow late arrivals. If you are running late simply stay home/take the evening off. Classes always have follow up homework emails you can utilise to keep up. Please allow plenty of time for travelling to avoid traffic delays etc.
Please ensure that on days that we are scheduled to visit your home to engage in any of these services that the agreed upon entry / access protocol has been followed. If we arrive and cannot access your home / yard as per our agreement the session will be forfeited and you will need to re-pay the entire fee to re-book.
As a rule, we do not offer make up classes. However we understand that sometimes missed classes cannot be avoided. If the same class is available in another course you are welcome to attend without your dog. Sometimes a new dog in class can be disruptive to the dogs already in the class. Classes are non-transferable within 72 hours of your course start date.
We require a minimum number of enrolled dogs in order to begin a group class. A dog is not deemed enrolled until your deposit payment has been made. Occasionally courses may not start on the scheduled start date due to lack of enrollments. If this happens you will be advised via SMS and/or email and your course will begin the following week.
Occasionally postponements in other courses will affect our scheduling. For example, if the class prior to yours is postponed due to inclement weather, instructor illness etc this may affect the start date of your course. You will be notified via SMS and/or email as soon as possible.
Week One of ALL Animal Haus Behaviour and Training group classes are COMPULSORY. Vital information is provided in Week One classes that is important to your ongoing success throughout the course, as well as important safety information. Unfortunately, if you are unable to make Week One of the course you are enrolled in you will not be able to participate in that course and you will need to rebook into the next session.
It is important that you take this into account when enrolling since refunds will not be offered in any of these case. We may offer to accommodate you in another course wherever possible but cannot guarantee this
Walk and Train sessions are casual attendance sessions (see our website or facebook page for upcoming sessions). When booking packages please take into account that these sessions are not necessarily held every week and that the location changes regularly.
As these classes are held in public locations we ask that all attendees be respectful of other users of the space and follow all Council and State laws. We reserve the right to ask you to leave if we feel you are compromising the safety of others or if Council and State laws are being violated.
The full fee for your Intake consult or Follow Up Consult is due upon booking to secure your consult date and time. This is non-refundable and non-transferable.
Failure to pay your fees may result in your consult booking being cancelled and offered to another client.
Cancellation of your booking will result in forfeiture of all fees paid.
You must pay a deposit (specified at time of booking) upon enrollment to secure your booking. This is a NON-REFUNDABLE deposit – NO EXCEPTIONS WILL BE MADE.
Transfers into a different class are not possible with less than 72 hours notice.
The remainder of your fees for group classes are due 48 hours prior t your class start time.
Failure to pay the deposit or the remainder of your fees may result in your enrollment being cancelled and offered to another client.
Cancellation of your booking with less than 72 hours’ notice will result in forfeiture of ALL fees paid (even those above and beyond the deposit amount).
The full fee for once off bookings is due upon booking to secure your service date and time. This is non-refundable and non-transferrable.
Failure to pay your fees may result in your service booking being cancelled and offered to another client.
Cancellation of your booking will result in forfeiture of all fees paid.
If booking a service package a deposit is required at time of purchase, payment for the remainder of the package must be made 24 hours before your first service booking unless a payment plan is agreed upon at the time of booking. For payment plans to be utilised the client must provide a valid credit card and sign off on automatic payments to be charged by Animal Haus Behaviour and Training on agreed upon dates. Failure for payments to go through will result in an administration charge of $25 per day until the payment is made in full including accrued administration charges.
Cancellation of bookings with less than 72 hours notice will result in the forfeiture of that service session.
Travel fees of 0.50c per kilometre are charged for all sessions over 40 kms from our office in Morayfield. These will be calculated and invoiced and are payable prior to your session.
All packages have an expiration date. Please refer to the booking page at time of booking and/or your service contract (for private training programs) to confirm expirations.
Any credits, classes or sessions not used by the expiration date are no longer valid for use unless expressly extended by Animal Haus Behaviour and Training prior to expiration.
Information on payment methods is available on our How To Pay page
It is sometimes impossible to provide services in inclement weather either due to client/dog/instructor safety or due to your dogs response to the weather (ie: thunder phobic dogs). We will advise you via SMS and EMAIL when services are required to be rescheduled as early as possible before your booking. PLEASE ENSURE THAT YOU HAVE PROVIDED US WITH YOUR MOBILE TELEPHONE NUMBER.
If your trainer is seriously ill or experiences a personal emergency and is unable to attend your service you will be notified via phone as early as possible.
If your service is rescheduled due to inclement weather or instructor illness/emergency we will be in contact with you to rearrange a suitable replacement booking. It is important that you take this into account when enrolling since refunds will not be offered in this case.
I agree to grant permission to Animal Haus Behaviour and Training and its legal representatives and assigns, the irrevocable and unrestricted right to use, publish and broadcast my photograph(s), likeness and voice, including via video, for trade, advertising, and any other purpose and in any manner and medium; and to alter the same without restriction. I hereby release Animal Haus Behaviour and Training​ and its legal representatives and assigns from all claims and liability relating to said photograph(s), video(s), likeness and voice.
The Client acknowledges that training/behaviour modification/dog walking may be an activity in which damage or injury to dog(s) and/or persons may occur. Client will assume full financial/moral responsibility for the actions of their dog(s). Client further acknowledges that dog(s) may be exposed to a variety of environmental conditions which include, but are not limited to, vehicular traffic, interaction with people and other animals, exposure to adverse weather, and exposure to areas with crowds and all types of traffic.
I/We Client agree that I, my/our heirs, assignees and legal representatives will not make claim against, sue, or attach the property of the consultant, her family, acquaintances, or any other person acting on her behalf (herein referred to as ‘Her Agents’), for injury or damage done to or by dogs(s) resulting from action or negligence, however caused, by Consultant or Her Agents. I/We Client forever release Consultant and/or Her Agents from any and all liability and demands which I/We Client, and my/our heirs, assignees and legal representatives may have or may hereafter have for injury or damage to or by dog(s), and assume all risks thereof.
Client and Consultant hereby agree to mediate and/or arbitrate any misunderstandings that may arise pursuant to the terms contained herein. In any action or proceeding arising out of the agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reimbursement of costs and legal fees.
This contract for Training Services supersedes all other agreements, written or oral, previously made between Client and Consultant.